Monday, November 1, 2010

Winter Garden

Another season of gardening in a natural and organic way. After looking at the same garden all year, I finally get to see some new plants. Yay! Here are my new babies plus some old favorites:
Kale is one of our favorite vegetables, so I wanted to make sure to grow plenty of it.
We love it cooked in a little olive oil with garlic or onion, and raisins or pine nuts! Yum!

We are starting Broccoli, Sweet Peas, Beets, and winter greens from seed. Egg cartons are great for starting seeds.

Here are some lingering Tomatoes. I took a canning class recently and made Plum-Cardamom Jam and pickled Green beans. I am freezing these tomatoes whole in a bag as soon as they're ripe. I am hoping to make a tomato jam with them.
My first experience with tomato jam was at am potluck. It was served with homeade goat cheese and bread. It was Amazing!

I love the color these cacti and collard greens? bring to the garden in winter. And there are even more colors to be had:

Coreopsis~If I had enough it'd be great for dying wool

My good friend Aloe Vera. Thank you for helping me through my sunburn this summer. And for the help last week with the poison oak, which I unforntunately had to tussle with for a research project on Oak trees.

P.S. I'm sorry you are outgrowing your pot. I promise give you a new home for your roots.

Not sure at all what these mushrooms are, but they sure look like Fun-Guys!
They spontaneously sprouted from our neglected backyard lawn (which, if we actually owned the place, would not be there, and instead be more garden). Wonder if they're any good for dyeing!

Wishing everyone a successful gardening season!

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